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Intuitive User Interface

Adapted from UX Design Edge.

  • Affordance - does the UI allow user to predict future state.
  • Expectation - are triggers labelled and/or adopt universal symbols (i.e. the right facing triangle for 'play')
  • Efficiency - the number of triggers needed to reach a desired state is the absolute minimum
  • Responsiveness - the UI provides instantaneous feedback on whether a trigger is being processed and/or a state has been changed.
  • Forgiveness - a user-induced error can be caught and corrected and/or undoned.
  • Explorability - (IMO not relevant to physical UI) users can navigate throughout the UI without unintended consequences, or of getting lost.
bok/eng/sys/req.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/21 13:07 by anwlur