Table of Contents


What it is

Ontology is the study or analysis of the fundamental concepts and relationships in a domain.

Web Ontology Language (OWL)

OWL2 is a language and formalism for representing heterogenous conceptual domains, for reasoning about properties of the domains, and for simplifying the model-to-model transformation workflow required for projecting information from one domain into another 1) 2). OWL2 allows the separation of ontology from semantics of SysML and allows flexibility to change the mapping of domain concepts (as stereotypes) into SysML entities without impacting the underlying concepts.

Rouquette, N., Jenkins, S., Transforming OWL2 Ontologies into Profiles Extending SysML,12thNASA-EST Workshop on Product Data Exchange, Oslo, Norway, May 2010
Bayer, T.J., Bennett, M., Delp, C.L., Dvorak, D., Jenkins, J.S., Mandutianu, S., Update –Concept of Operations for Integrated Model-Centric Engineering at JPL, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT., March 2011