Checking for Conflict of a Set of Requirements
Use Mathematical Logic to evaluate absence of Conflict in a Requirement Set (3 of 3 part series). For a requirement set to be Consistent it needs to be Unique and without Conflict. This post explores a method to test for Conflict – see previous post for a test for Uniqueness. What does it mean for…
Checking Uniqueness of a Requirement Set
Use Mathematical Logic to evaluate Uniqueness of Requirement Set (2 of 3 part series) Last post I presented a method to test a requirement set for Completeness, now I present a method to test for Consistency. According to INCOSE’ Guideline to Writing Requirements, Consistency of a set include a number of different characteristics: requirements shall be…
Checking Completeness of a Requirement Set
Use Mathematical Logic to evaluate Completeness of Requirement Set (1 of 3 part series) 1 month ago You’ve checked that individual requirements are solid and follow best practice, now you want to check the set for Completeness. INCOSE’s Guide to Writing Requirements defines Completeness as “The […] requirement set for a given SOI should stand alone…